Creating Async Middleware

The first step to start using Arc's async actions, is to create the AsyncMiddleware and set it to the store.

import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import { createAsyncMiddleware } from 'redux-arc';

const asyncTask = store => done => (options) => {
  const { url, method, payload, ...meta } = options;

  /* do your request and call done with the respective error and response
     when the request is finished */
  done(err, response))

const asyncMiddleware = createAsyncMiddleware(asyncTask);

// set it to the Store
const store = createStore(


Notice we defined a function named asyncTask on the first lines of the above example, that's because we leave the request call for you. Everytime you dispatch an async action, the middleware will call asyncTask passing the respective params. asyncTask should do the request and should call done when the request is finished, providing an error and a response. What you are going to use to perform your requests (fetch, promises, libs etc..), is up to you! Only make sure you call done in the proper time.

Pay attention to the options argument. The asyncTask should rely on this to perform the request. The options will be an object that contains url, payload and method.

If we remove all the promise related code, the asyncTask would look like this:

  const asyncTask = store => done => options => {
    const { url, method, payload, ...meta } = options;
    done(error, response);


The parameter store, is the actual redux store, with the methods getState and dispatch, use them with parsimony.

The parameter done is a function and should be called once the request is finished, with the error and response.

The parameter options will contain some fields extracted from the async action, which are the url, method the payload you provided when you call the action creator and all action.meta fields.


This function waits as its first argument, the function asyncTask, and will return the actual middleware for redux. Then, you get the middleware and apply it to the store. Rather to set asyncMiddleware as the first middleware in the config, it will avoid traffic unnecessary actions through the whole redux flow.

And that's it, your middleware is configured in the store. Let's jump strait forward to the request definitions.

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    No results matching ""